Magdalena Kaufmann
(prev. Magdalena Schwager)'s Teaching
- Summerschool classes:
- DGfS Summer School Form-Meaning Mismatches in Spoken and Visual Communication. Göttingen, August 19-23, 2024, (materials)
- Conditionals 2, Paris, INALCO, June 13-17: `Conditionals
without If'
- Göttingen Spirit Summer School on conditionals
[co-taught with Stefan Kaufmann]
- ESSLLI 2009 [co-taught with Regine Eckardt]: Speech Acts
- ESSLLI 2008: Optimizing the Future
- University of Connecticut:
- Fall 2024 Semantics Seminar (6410) Natural Language
Ontology and Embedded Clauses
- Spring 2024 Topics in Semantics (6420) Semantics of the Future
- Fall 2023 Semantics 1 (5410)
- Fall 2023 The Science of Linguistics (2010Q)
- Spring 2023 [with Jon Gajewski]: Topics in Semantics (6420) Scalar Implicatures
- Fall 2022: Semantics Seminar (6410) Conditionals
- Spring 2022 Semantics (3410Q)
- Spring 2022: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Fall 2021: The Science of Linguistics (2010Q)
- Fall 2021: Semantics Seminar (6410) Conditionals and
information structure
- Spring 2021: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Fall 2020: Semantics Seminar (6410) Perspectival content
- Fall 2020: The Science of Linguistics (2010Q)
- Spring 2020: --- (sabbatical)
- Fall 2019: Semantics 1 (5410)
- Spring 2019: [with Jon Gajewski] Topics in Semantics (6420)
Dynamic Semantics
- Fall 2018: Language and Culture (3610W)
- Fall 2018: Semantics Seminar (6410) Power to the embedded
- Spring 2018: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Spring 2018: Semantics (3410Q)
- Fall 2017: The Science of Linguistics (2010Q)
- Fall 2017: [with Jos Tellings] Semantics Seminar (6410) (Readings and Research)
- Spring 2017: Topics in Semantics (6420) Layers of Meaning
- Spring 2017: [with Stefan Kaufmann] Semantics 2 (5420)
- Fall 2016: Language and Culture (3610W)
- Fall 2016: The Science of Linguistics (2010Q)
- Spring 2016: Language and Culture (3610W)
- Spring 2016: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Fall 2015: --- (Research stay, Kyoto University, Japan)
- Spring 2015: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Spring 2015: [with Susi Wurmbrand] Seminar syntax-semantics (6798)
"The features and monsters of binding"
- Spring 2014: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Spring 2014: Introduction to Semantics (3410Q)
- Fall 2013: [with Jon Sprouse] Language and Mind (1010) (website on
- Fall 2013: Semantics Seminar (6410) Speech Reports (website on
- Spring 2013: Language and Culture (3610W)
- Spring 2013: Semantics 2 (5420)
- Fall 2012: Semantics Seminar (6410) Prioritizing Modality
- Fall 2012: [with Jon Gajewski] Language and Mind (1010)
- Kyto University:
Fall 2015: Research seminar "Semantics of Necessity and Possibility"
- WS 11/12: Semantik & Pragmatik III (Thema: Modalität)
- SoSe 11: Seminar `Diskurspartikeln'
- WS 09/10: Semantics Tea Reading Group
(Doktorandenkolloquium/Lesegruppe; Topic: Interrogatives and
- SoSe 10: Semantik & Pragmatik III
- WS 09/10: Semantics Tea Reading Group
- SoSe 09: Semantik & Pragmatik II
- WS 08/09: Semantik & Pragmatik I
- SS 08: Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft II (Semantik, Pragmatik)
- WS 07/98: Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft I (Phonetik, Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax)
- SS 07: Einführung in die Computerlinguistik (Automaten und Formale Sprachen)
- WS 06/07: Semantik der Nominalklassen(sortale, funktionale and relationale Nomen; Massenomina und